
About Nithin

Editor of Website, (most) experienced traveler, amazing person.

To see where I am, click here!

I was born in San Diego, California in 1983 (on the same day as Ryan, coincidentally). Within one month of birth, I was already abroad, going to India with my parents. Thus began a lifelong love of travel. Even as a young child, my parents took road trips to the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Las Vegas, and I flew to Portland, New York, and Wisconsin. This was all before my brother was born in 1986.

in 1989, we left San Diego and moved to Kansas City, which would become my new home, though I wouldn't accept that fact for over a decade. Minus a two year stint in Seattle, that is where I lived until it was time for College, in 2001.

I first went to UC-Irvine, in Orange County (not "the OC") California. After one year, the atmosphere got to me (too many people depressed about not getting into UCLA, and too many people who lived too close to home) and I applied to study abroad in only my 2nd year of college. I went to Paris, mostly because they accepted sophomores who didn't speak the local language. It was my first time in Europe, and I did not know a single soul in the entire continent when I arrived. Nevertheless, I had a fantastic time, made some life-long friends, and grew immensely as a person.

Upon returned from France, I transferred to USC. My presence helped the football team win two national championships in my 2 1/2 years there. Fight on!

I graduated in May of 2005, and went back to Kansas for the summer, before taking a short-term consulting position in Washington, DC, to help save up for the trip (see trip metamorphosis timeline here). I also am a freelance writer, have been published in numerous magazines - you can read my travel articles here.

I'm into politics, traveling, and sports. I also have a bunch of other quasi interests, and I often amaze people my with knowledge of seemingly random information. As you can probably tell, this website is mostly run by and written by me, partly because I have a lot of downtime at work, but also because I love to write. And, unlike the other Trippers', who's friends are mostly in Kansas, I have friends all around the world due to my "school hopping." This site allows me to keep in touch with them, and gives me extra motivation to keep it up to date.

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