
About MrRyan

What is it about Ryan Lewis that makes him so great!? Could it be his success of just graduating and already working as the 1st assitant director on a television sitcom pilot and a promising internet series which has already received praises from the excutive producers of "The Horror Channel" including legendary filmmaker Wes Craven! Or could it be his self-less act of spending much of his spare time saving the citizens in the world of Azaroth (World of Warcraft joke - Aaron should understand). Or better yet, could it be his modesty? In truth, it is none of those things - it is his willingness to constant improve himself, the very spirit which has inspired him to embark on this ambitous voyage around the world. As a self proclaimed "resume builder," Ryan believes that this trip could provide a life experience which can further promote himself as a filmmaker and all around, well-rounded person.

Ryan caught the travel bug three years ago when he first stepped off North American soil. After studying Spainsh for five and a half years, Ryan impulsivly decided its time to master a new language, and set his sights on the second most commonly studied foreign language in the US - French. After studying for a year, he decided to study abroad in Paris, France during the summer of 2003. The following year he was joined by Nithin Coca to work and live in Dublin, Ireland; this time in a much less structured environment. The traveling experience he accumulated over those two summers shall hopefully aid in maximising his travels over the next year.

Ryan speaks English, Spanish, and French. He's currently studying German and Mandarin Chinese. So give him a shout - in any language (though his Chinese sucks), cause remember he's one cool cat, and not full of himself.

Ryan has a Spanish phone number its 625-954-125
E-mail Ryan at KUFilmHawk@gmail.com

Ryan is currently in Granada, Spain! (see map of trip here)


Blogger Laura W said...

I donĀ“t know this guy but he is AMAZING. Seriously, best of luck with your journeys. Journey. Great music.


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